Animal and Nature Sounds - PARDON OUR MESS - Descriptions to follow soon!
Sounds Of North American Frogs This is a classic of nature field recordings. 92 North American species are represented in all their vocal grandeur. Recorded in 1958 by Folkways records, the gravelly voiced introductions by Lang Elliott somehow enhance the experience. cover
If you enjoy recordings like these, I highly recommend that you check out the Smithsonian Folkways site. Pretty much all of their classic recordings are there, from folk music to jazz to blues, ethnographic and sound effects. I suggest browsing by genre, especially under "Sounds". Here you will find "Sounds of Insects", "Sounds of the Junkyard", and "Voices of Satellites"!
The Calls of Frogs and Toads Another more modern collection of frog and toad calls. An excellent colletion of Eastern and Central species. cover
Songs of the Humpback Whale This is the original Humpback whale album recorded by Dr. Roger Payne back in 1970. The audio is incredible and the songs haunting. If you have ever considered buying a whale songs CD, this is the one!cover
Also available is Dr. Payne's equally cool sequal, Deep Voices: Recordings of Humpback, Blue and Right Whalescover
The Environments series are some of the original recordings of environmental sounds produced. Originally recorded on LP, the tracks were usually an entire album side. Currntly available on CD are Environments 1: Psychologically Ultimate Seashore, Tintinnabulation (which is actually not a nature recording), and Environments 3: Dawn & Dusk at New Hope, Pa. Several more were originally available; a search on eBay usually turns up some of the original vinyl.
Another classic nature sounds series is Solitudes. It is an excellent collection of raw environmental sounds recorded with very high standards by Dan Gibson. I prefer the original sounds without music, but many of the later release have classical music blended in. Not all titles are still in print, but out of those that are I recommend: Solitudes 1: By Canoe To Loon Lake/Dawn By A Gentle Stream, Solitudes 2: Heavy Surf on Rocky Point/Ocean Surf In Hidden Cove, Solitudes 3: Among The Giant Trees of The Wild Pacific Coast, Niagara Falls, the Gorge and Glen (out of print), Dawn on the Desert (out of print), Storm on Wilderness lake (out of print), Night on a Southern Swamp (out of print), Sailing to a Hidden Cove (out of print), Seascapes (out of print), Tradewind Islands, National Parks and Sanctuaries, and Listen to the Loons. Note that a few of these are only currently available on cassette. Also be sure and check eBay for out of print titles.
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